JR is looking despite where bdsm clips he left Elise Graves. There are several spots around his ruined property where she could be and he has checked just near all of them. There’s one last hole to check, granting. He is ripping up the flooring behind the bar when we determine an issue him. There’s a small crawl space down in there. A damp, dark place full of humidity, spiders and extreme isolation. He pulls up the linoleum prostrate to reveal a small opening covered by two large, square the stage. Once those are pulled up he climbs down the short ladder, within a little unable to fit through the opening. Once down inside he finds Elise back in the elena e tube bdsm marco coppia bdsm nook, naked and chained by the neck to a beam above master cwel bdsm her highest. It only allows her a short area to move around in. She also has an old rusty chain around her waist and through her corner. Her wrists are manacled to her waist...